Intersections: Practicing Pluralism

International Development, Sustainable Development Goals and Pluralism

Publication Date: April 2017

How do the concerns of pluralism intersect with those of international development? Practitioners in the field often contend with the issue of diversity as a variable of development. Many have incorporated a pluralistic understanding of diversity into their work to varying degrees. But resources and tools are needed to place pluralism at the centre of development practice—which grapples with the impacts of group-based inequalities and resource competition, as well as questions of state building. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) recommend inclusive approaches to diversity. Practitioners who are committed to pluralism can use the SDGs to raise awareness about the importance of diversity issues and keep the goals of pluralism on the global agenda.

Elisabeth King

Elisabeth King is an Associate Professor of International Education at the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development at New York University. Her recent research interests include education, youth programs, and community-driven development interventions in the global South. She is the author of From Classrooms to Conflict in Rwanda, which earned her the Outstanding Canadians Leadership Award. She has previously been a postdoctoral research fellow at Columbia University’s Earth Institute and Centre for the Study of Development Strategies, as well as a fellow at the Balsillie School of International Affairs.